Tashi Nibber is a marketing professional with extensive background in strategy, branding, communications and product development. She is an outspoken advocate for increasing expat assignment satisfaction, decreasing failed assignments and providing value to corporate clients by cutting costs and mitigating risks associated with expat mail handling.
She is the Managing Editor of US Global Mail– a company that focuses on building strategic partnerships to advance expat assignment satisfaction for clients. They provide valuable resources to decrease failed assignments, cut costs, eliminate liability and compliance risks for corporate clients, especially related to expat mail handling. US Global Mail is finding growth in markets where companies are cutting costs with their internal programs like expat mail handling. More companies are conscious of cost cutting measures and are finding that US Global Mail provides a critical component to making life easier for expats settling into a new country. There’s more to it than just mail forwarding, it’s helping the global citizens ease into their new lifestyle while maintaining some of their joys from home through international shopping.
In addition to this, she has been a speaker at Global HR events, Forum for Expatiate Management’s national and regional conferences, FIGT’s 2015 National Conference and has been interviewed on NPR, Houston Business Journal, Worldwide ERC’s Mobility Magazine even earning mentions in TIME magazine.
Given that she has lived on 3 continents, speaks 4 languages and understands Expat family issues first hand, she is passionate about creating connections that help expats maintain a feeling of ‘home’.
We talk about building connections, the importance of developing cultural competency at a young age and how she’s helping people take precious memories with them all over the world.
To find out more about US Global Mail, click here.
Catch the interview here or below: