Cecilia Haynes is a Third Culture Kid, freelance writer, editor, and photographer, and a published author. Her article “Anything is Possible in India” can be found in The Places We’ve Been, a travel anthology. A diplobrat, she was raised in India, China, the US, and the Philippines. After graduating from the University of Virginia with a degree in Foreign Affairs and History, she taught English in Hong Kong. The last few years have been spent bouncing around China, India, and Turkey. She currently lives in Florida, but continues to plane hop and country jump.
Blog: www.ceciliahaynes.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/unsettledtck
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UnsettledTCK
Google +: https://plus.google.com/+CeciliaHaynes
The Places We’ve Been: http://theplaces35.com/books/fiction-and-nonfiction/the-places-weve-been-field-reports-from-travelers-under-35
She is also one of the co-hosts of #TCKchat which is a bi monthly event on Twitter that brings together TCKs to discuss issues relating to multi cultural individuals on Wednesdays at either 10am EDT or 10pm EDT.
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